Based on Mining Network

A customized zk game running on Mining Network


Whether it is based on mining PoZK engine or custom engine, you can reuse the code of Handler. You only need to specify the engine type to be used when starting.

Once you have written a program based on mining netweork, the next step is How to register it in the mining network.

Trait for PoZK

In the previous docs, you have been learned the Handler trait, here we will show you another two method for PoZK. That is pozk_create & pozk_join.

pub trait Handler: Send + Sized + 'static {
    type Param: Param;

    /// Viewable for game
    /// If true, when send message to all will also send to viewers
    /// If set false, no viwers
    fn viewable() -> bool;

    /// Create new room from PoZK
    async fn pozk_create(player: Player, params: Vec<u8>, rid: RoomId) -> Option<(Self, Tasks<Self>)>;

    /// New player join from PoZK
    async fn pozk_join(&mut self, player: Player, params: Vec<u8>) -> Result<HandleResult<Self::Param>>;

    /// New Viewer online if viewable is true
    async fn viewer_online(&mut self, _peer: PeerId) -> Result<HandleResult<Self::Param>> {

    /// New Viewer offline if viewable is true
    async fn viewer_offline(&mut self, _peer: PeerId) -> Result<HandleResult<Self::Param>> {

    /// when player online
    async fn online(&mut self, _player: PeerId) -> Result<HandleResult<Self::Param>> {

    /// when player offline
    async fn offline(&mut self, _player: PeerId) -> Result<HandleResult<Self::Param>> {

    /// handle message in a room
    async fn handle(&mut self, player: PeerId, param: Self::Param) -> Result<HandleResult<Self::Param>>;

    /// Generate proof for this game result, when find game is over
    async fn prove(&mut self) -> Result<(Vec<u8>, Vec<u8>)>;

In this way, you can find that only need to implement one Handler, which can run in different modes.

Running with PoZK

When run PoZK node, you need INPUT env and it will supported by PoZK miner, and the code like it.

use z4_pozk::Engine;

struct MyHandler { ... }

impl Handler for MyHandler { ... }

async fn main() {

Next step is How to register it in the mining network.